In 2003, Charlestown Township was designated a Small Municipal Storm Sewer System (MS4) under the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit regulations.
These state regulations require Charlestown Township to implement and enforce its own Stormwater Management Program. The Township follows DEP protocols which provide our township with suitable guidelines to design a local program that address the DEP’s six Best Management Practices (BMPs), which are also known as “control measures.”
The six BMPs are designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from MS4s, to the maximum extent practicable, to protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate requirements of the federal Clean Water Act. These six BMP categories are:
If anyone is seeking information or has issues regarding stormwater, please contact either:
Please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Stormwater Management Program Website, go to directLINK “stormwater” for additional details and technical information on this topic at the state level.
In response to the impacts of accelerated stormwater runoff resulting from land development, in 1978, the state enacted Pennsylvania’s Stormwater Management Act (Act 167). The Act requires counties to prepare and adopt watershed based stormwater management plans—and requires municipalities to adopt and implement ordinances to regulate development consistent with these plans. The DEP provides technical, administrative and financial assistance to counties in preparing Stormwater Management Plans and pays for 75% of the costs counties incur in preparing plans. DEP also approves reimbursements to municipalities for 75% of the allowable costs of preparing plans and for enacting, administering, and implementing stormwater ordinances.
As part of regular pool maintenance, residents and pool managers need to be aware of ways to minimize the hazardous impact pool water, which contains chemicals, has on the environment.
By following these simple steps, you help ensure that your pool will not only provide months of summer fun, but also reduce the number of pollutants it could add to our precious natural water supplies.
Any questions, please contact your municipality.